The Vihara provides simple lodging with basic amenities and it is currently able to accommodate up to nine retreatants at any one time. It has three rooms, with maximum occupancy of three people to a room, and each room is equipped with ceiling fan, and attached bathroom.
The lodging is provided free of charge, and there are no minimum or maximum number of days imposed for self-retreat. One may apply to stay for one night, or even months, subject to room availability and approval from the Vihara.
Application Procedure:
1. It is important to read the Rules & Regulations and the Daily Routine to understand what is expected of you as a retreatant before submitting your application.
2. To book a space at VBR for your self-retreat, please refer below calendar and click on the available date(s) shown in green colour.
3. Please submit your retreat application at least seven days in advance, to enable the Vihara to make the necessary arrangement.
4. The administrator of the Vihara will send an email on your application status within three working days.
5. In the event if you are unable to come for the retreat after your booking has been confirmed, please inform the Vihara as soon as possible so that we can cancel your booking and release the space to others.
6. If you are a returning retreatant, you may just fill in your name, gender, mobile phone number and email address, and skip the other fields in the application form.
7. However, you will need to complete all the fields in the application form if
(a) this is your first self-retreat at VBR;
(b) you have stayed at VBR for self retreats previously (before this application procedure was introduced) but have not submitted the form before.
Incomplete form will not be processed.
1. 在申请之前,请务必先阅读本寺的住宿条规及日常例行活动以了解详情。
2. 欲申请进行个人禅修者, 请参阅下面的日历,然后单击绿色显示的可用日期 。
3. 请在七天前提出申请,以方便寺院提早做好准备工作。
4. 寺院管理层会在三个工作日之内通过电邮给予答复。
5. 凡申请已获批准却因临时事故而无法前来报到者,请务必尽快通知寺院,以便我们能够及时取消您的位子并将有关日期开放给其他人申请。
6. 凡是曾经申请并已获准在本寺禅修的旧学员,再次申请时只需填写姓名、手机号码及电子邮箱,其他资料则无需填写。
7. 以下的申请者必须填写表格上所有的资料:
a. 初次到本寺进行个人禅修;
b. 在本寺实施通过填写申请表格之前曾经在本寺进行禅修。
Vihara BoonRaksa Forest Monastery Retreat Booking Form