VBR Daily Routine 福持寺日常作息
05:00 Morning Chanting 早课
06:50 Piṇḍapāta Alms Round 托钵
08:00 Single meal time 单餐时间
Meditation practice 禅修练习
17:00 Daily chores 日常家务
19:30 Evening Chanting 晚课
Meditation practice 禅修练习
22:00 Lights off 熄灯
“Do not give way to heedlessness. Do not indulge in sensual pleasures. Only the heedful meditative one attain the great happiness. “
DhP.2 Appamadavagga .7(27) Words of the Lord Buddha
法句经。2不放逸品。7(27) 佛陀的开示